Benchmark Universe

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Access all of the digital ELA teaching resources from Benchmark Education in one location. Everything you need to manage lesson plans, customize and differentiate instruction.

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Teach for Transfer and Make Learning Personal for ALL!

online lesson planner

Manage Students

Create as many groups as needed to match students’ instructional needs.

Teacher Lesson Planner

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Quickly locate eBooks for instruction. Search by Lexile level, language, content area, and strategy.

Teacher Lesson Planner

Create Bookshelves

Build your own instructional playlist and customize instruction for each student and classroom.

online reading assessment

Assign eBooks

Assign eBooks to students, monitor progress, and save your customized library lists.

Take Best Practices for Core Instruction and Drive Instruction Digitally

digital lesson planning templates


Create customized lesson plans and manage instruction.

Teacher Lesson Planner


Organize student groups and communicate directly with students on assignments.

Teacher Lesson Planner


Differentiate instruction for each student and customize lessons.

online reading assessment


Review student progress, assign assessment, and inform future instruction.